Valley of the Greens
Like gardening, caring for indoor plants takes patience, research, and a little bit of luck. With that said, the first houseplant you purchase may or may not survive. Signs that your plant is in distress vary. Yellowing of the leaves, dried foliage, and annoying gnats that hover around your plant (damn flies!) are common issues to look for. But when you do manage to keep your houseplant alive and thriving and you’re feeling confident to add a few more plants to your collection, skip the trip to the plant shop and start propagating.
Propagation 101
Propagating is simple. All you need is a mason jar or some kind of vessel for your plant clipping, a pair of scissors, and water. Cut a stem from the plant of your choosing that has at least two leaves on the stem (one leaf is totally fine) and place it in water. You may want to change the water every three days. When the stem starts to grow a decent amount of roots, you are ready to plant.
*Tip: If you notice your plant is taking a long time to grow roots, it might be due to the lack of sunlight.
**You can keep your cuttings in water as long as you want. Just remember to change the water periodically to prevent slime build-up.
***When planting and repotting houseplants, use a container that has proper drainage to prevent soggy soil and root rot.
Happy Propagating!!!