Brush thy Skin

Brush thy Skin

When it comes to living a minimalist lifestyle, keeping your skincare routine as simple as possible is ideal.   If you want to save money and reduce packaged waste, you can make your own facial scrubs, toners, and masks at home and use travel size containers to store them in.

Personally, I haven’t tried making my own facial products.    I’m still guilty of  buying the latest eye cream or face oil that is of course, animal cruelty-free.   And from my trials and disappointments, I can tell you that there is no magic lotion or coffee grinds from Brazil that is going to remove cellulite, no cream is going to permantely brighten your under eyes or a face mask that will give you an instant face lift.

What I can tell you is that preventative care is key for not only improving your health, but your mind and body.   By incorporating some extra steps in your beauty regime, having a well balanced diet and excerise regurly will overtime, change your skin texture, prevent future cellulite or stretch marks, even help with adult acne and evil hexes.  

To prevent someone from putting a hex on you: be kind to people, pour salt on your doorways and windowsills.  And if you work for a bank, don’t deny a scary old woman for an extension on her loan payment.*  

Now to prevent stretch marks and cellulite, dry brushing is a simple, but effective tool. 

Who knew that dry brushing dates back to the Ancient Egyptians where they would dry brush and use sugar to exfoliate their skin.   The power of dry brushing can not only remove dead skin cells, but also help improve your overall health.

When you dry brush, you are circulating blood flow, thereby helping your body get rid of toxins.   So not only will you have smoother, more supple looking skin, but internally you are helping your body detox naturally.

To incorporate dry brushing into your daily routine, have your dry brush visibly accessible so you don’t forget to brush.  I keep my dry brush next to my tooth brush as a reminder to brush my teeth and dry brush every morning. 

Before I hop in the shower, I dry brush my skin by brushing in upward motions for 1-2 minutes.   I prefer using a round dry brush from Eco Tools since it fits easily in my hand and the bristles are made of synthetic fibers.

After your done brushing, you can shower, moisturize, and go about your day.   Don’t forget to clean your dry brush once in awhile, by washing the bristles with warm water and soap and let it air dry.

So the next time you want to try the latest anti-aging serum or lotion, just remember that a lot of these products will not drastically make a difference.   If you want your skincare products to work effectively then taking better care of your body will help improve your skin’s texture and appearance long term.  After all, isn’t that more important?  

*Movie Reference! From the film, “Drag Me to Hell”, 2009.

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